Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Febuary 10

At work today i almost ate this guy, its a baby octapus.
sorry my camera phone sucks but im holding its head.  Oh yeah it was deep fried.

oh yeah and check out this dude he is my new second favorite artist.  The skeleton is so awesome!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Febuary 9

Why do i always have the urge to ruin things??

Friday, February 6, 2009

Febuary 8

Remember these?
I forgot about these and found out they have lemon lime now!
This reminds me of how we always start start and do it so much that we play it out and stop and forget that we used to do that thing.

This is for you:

Febuary 7

Which pool table would you buy???

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Febuary 6

How awesome are these, they used yogurt lids for gels.

Febuary 5

Yesterday i rode my bike to buy a mini watermelon.  Today i ate half of it.
When is the last time you saw a Bad Boy t-shirt?????!!!!

Oh yeah and some dude said today that last time he saw me he was with his friend and they were saying how i look exactly like the lead singer to the dead milkmen. He asked if i knew who they were. come on man.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Febuary 3

This is how i woke up this afternoon.
Lira's Veggies are not the same as raley's.
How awesome is Weston's toy now that me took out an arm, and hand and a foot?

Saturday, January 31, 2009

January 31

This totally made my night.
I was driving Trevor and Colby home and we stopped at 7-11 and this guy and his girlfriend pulled up next to me and this guy was sitting on the guy driving.  Made me sad cause it reminded me of you and jake driving together.

Friday, January 30, 2009

january 30

Today i stacked wood, not too much though.  We got to use Vic's awesome elevator though.  I dont know if you have ever seen it before.  
We completely finished cleaning the old house.  Last was to put up Hunter's cross in the back yard.  You would have loved him, he was one of the best dogs ever.  I miss him so much.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29

I thought it was funny that someone actually makes these.  They are covers that go over your head, we have them so that our models at rain dont get make up on the white tops when they are changing for shoots.
This is my sad empty old house.  Thats my mother and Sir Woodford The Hunter.
I dont know why i put this on here.  This is what i was just telling you about on the phone literally 5 minutes ago.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January 28

The most exciting part of my day was that my phone now sends emails! so now i can shoot with my phone like everyone else! 
I want to know how he got his car here.
I also want to know if he was only shopping in the foreign section of Video Library.
Really Myspace?
all i ever wanted from you was a friend cube.

Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26

Here is that article i was telling you about.
It was pretty much the most amazing article i have ever read.
It is so true, it talked about how a person will either love him or they will hate him.  
It says that he is not straight but he is not gay and that he is perhaps the rebel sex symbol of the future.

One thing bummed me out though, it started talking about his sexual acts in an HBO special that he did.  It said he put mirrors on his shoes so that he could look up girls dresses and he used hypnotism to seduce hot girls to take their dresses off.  It totally bums me out he did that!!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

January 24

Today i cleaned the wall of my old room.  This just proves that i was a true fan back in high school when i had metal shop.
I dont know why i actually made this.  Nick and I used to always call ourselves the Westsiders.

January 23

Today we did a studio shoot for Commercial.  It ruled cause i showed up super late and everyone was done so i had like two hours to take my time and actually think while i was shooting.
We had to shoot a photo with a pure white background.
and a gradient background.

I shot these all with slide film.  First time i will ever actually get slides from slide film.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 22

Its really hard to post when you only have internet at work and school.

Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19

Im finished moving into my new home. About ten minutes after i moved Dandolo's cage in Cu Cu was in it. I was impressed she got to the back cage because the entrance is kinda small.

Cu Cu is really awesome i think you will totally like her. She is so friendly and playfull.
Hope your having fun snowboarding with your pops.

Friday, January 16, 2009

january 16

I have no internet so im doing this from class, even taking the photos in class.
Pat and Amanda say Hi!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15

Yesterday i was wondering what happened to the neighborhood cat that hung out on my porch all summer and this morning i found her in my yard!  I was so happy she was still around.
Lately i have been showing up to work to this.
Bentley and Weston my two second favorite dogs.
After open lab i went to the new art exhibit and it was kinda creepy.  Half the stuff was broken doll heads.  They had this pile of them in the center of the whole thing.  One piece of art was just a pile of old suit cases.  The ones you and i used to have.  Its weird what people consider art these days.
Is it weird that this is still my background?  I guess i miss the guy a little.

January 14

 Hey look it is lil D.
she still loves being in photos.
Ian Ruhter's Blog

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13

Your music video reminded me of this

Monday, January 12, 2009

January 11

i really really want this guy.

Friday, January 9, 2009

January 9

Today in commercial we had to shoot our copy a portrait assignment.  This is JT looking like Bela Lugosi.  Its the first time i have ever really worked with strobes.  They kinda rule.
And this is Hank's awesome new Mac Book Pro.  Im pretty jealous.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 8

First off i apologize for not posting lately, i have been really busy with work and school

In class tomorrow we have to shoot a portrait copying a lighting style from any photo we choose.
After JT comments we have been leaving him about sarcasm i thought of this.

and here is this one too haha.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 5

Today i went to work early but only stayed for half an hour because the internet was down and all my work requires the internet.  I walked up stairs and found this.  These are all nike shoe boxes from Fran.  He spends so much on shoes, some of these cost 300 doll hairs.
That was the only photo i took today but i went to class today and my art teacher totally rule.  His stuff is crazy.  In 2006 he collected his pee for an art piece.  Check him out Bryan Yerian.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 3

Today i took Woody for a walk around the neighborhood.  He loves me so much now that i walk him.
Look how cool the river looks frozen over.  Something weird is happening with my photos unless its just my monitor.  Do you see weird lines on the left side of my photos?
Then i rode my bike on ice down to the end of Venice.  It was so cold out my hands froze and so did my feet.
Then i went over to Russ's and him, Joanie, Stacy, Jeff and I built a 6 pack and hit them.  It was so fun and almost lame at the same time.  Thats Stacy below.

Friday, January 2, 2009

January 2

The image above you will see why i posted below.  I forgot about the photo and did not want to redo the whole blog.
So like two weeks ago Owen, Ryne, Jessy, Shannon, Mckenzy, Kari, and I went to this party.  This party was super lame, it was pretty much my whole high school, but i just found this video from it.  We are all in it.  It is pretty funny.  This was right before Owen knocked the tree over.

Ok back to today.  This is what i woke up to.  It was snowing and raining like all day.

I stopped taking this cause of blue man above.  Taking too much of silver can turn your skin a weird color.  Some lady in tahoe has this problem.  She is the lady that wears a ton of makeup working at raley's.  
My momma sent me this today, i thought it was kinda funny but weird.  its a banned commercial in Europe.

January 1

Today when i woke up i hung out in my living room for a while.  I sat and watched Dandolo eat, when she saw me staring she just stared back.
The day before at work i spent a long time looking for Aitken.  I got so scared she was gone forever cause i could not find her anywhere.  Darcy ended up finding her stuck in this wardrobe.  Aitken snuck in when she was picking out an outfit and was locked in all day.  I dont think she really minded she just slept the whole time.
Can you find her on the bed?????