Sunday, November 30, 2008

November 29

It took us 14 hours to get home.  i only took 2 photos on the drive home cause i slept the whole way.  this is Wilson the coolest dog ever.  and those are his bootys he has to wear around the house.
this is an attept to pan.  i sort of like it though.

November 28

It is always raining in Oregon.  This is what every morning looked like.
Today we went to SE Portland to go shopping.  This piece of art was pretty cool,  it was just a bunch of kids bikes chained together.
So many fixed gears!
i did not know cities had parking pass machines like these!  this thing sucked, it took me 5 times to figure out how to use my credit card.
this was the coolest record store ever.  so many t-shirts covering the whole shop.  so many records also.  makes me wish i had a record player.

November 27

Today was free entry at the portland zoo!!!  Happy Thanksgiving!
i have never been to a zoo before.  this guy made my day.  his name is filbert.
i was very surprised to run into jake here.
this big guy was scratching his back.  
this one is for Cierra.
i gave Spencer a beard and Moustache for dinner.  He was so scared to show his dad.
eww turkey.
Tamara was the only one trying to look proper for the photo.
that jello stuff on the top is the best stuff in the world.

thats me on wii.  we played wii for like 3 hours every night.

November 26

This is my Aunt's house.  So awesome!  this is the house i want when i grow up.
Today we went on the most amazing walk to the park i have ever had.
Its so green!
when we got to the park we played family football.  kinda like in Wedding Crashers.
Then My Uncle John took us to this motorcycle shop.  i have never seen one of these before.  i dont know what to say about it. 
this place had so many old motorcycle from the 6o's and 70's.  i want this scooter so bad!
the sunset was amazing.
i took some night shots on my aunt's street.

November 25

Waking up at 4 am for a 12 hour drive to Portland  is no fun.
this is in Sacramento at about 7 am.
This is Mt.Shasta.  the fog is covering it so you cant tell how big it really is.  the fog is way cooler than the actual size of it.
yaay Oregon!!
Speed limit signs are huge in Oregon.
first time i have ever seen a paper truck going to a paper mill.
we stopped at a rest stop and there were tons of these.  Oregon is so green!
all i wanted to do when i got to my aunts was relax but she made us go bowling.
it was well worth it!
leather couches for seats!!!

this was an old bowling alley that was fixed up.  Upstairs was a huge bar made out of the old bowling lanes.